Lou Masduraud

Nata nel 1990 a Montpellier (Francia), vive e lavora a Ginevra (Svizzera).

Active Substances Fountain, Serie Active Substances, 2018
Tecnica mista, 250 x 170 x 85 cm
coll. Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Genève
Courtesy dell’artista & Collection Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Genève

Plan d’évasion (mutation), 2023
Bronze patiné, 40 x 140 cm
coll. MAMCO, don Manor
Courtesy dell’artista & Collection MAMCO, Genève

Lou Masduraud, Active Substances Fountain, Active Substances Series, 2018. Courtesy of the artist & Collection Fonds Cantonal d’art Contemporain, Geneva. Exhibition view of Arcadia, Bally Foundation, Lugano, Switzerland, 2024-2025 © Andrea Rossetti